
Showing posts from April, 2021

Dinner and a Movie

  Hush Statement Movie: A Quiet Place  In this sculpture of found objects, I wanted to create an eerie feeling. I created this uncomfortably by placing baby doll hands in green slime and the head in a broken cup The balloon is to stand for something on edge or on the verge of bursting and ruining something. By making the fork dirty I added a sense of scavenging and living off nature. I used batteries to symbolize the power being taken away from someone or something that now has no control. All of this was placed on a hardwood background to push the idea of handmade and having to fend for yourself and build your own items.

Figurative Sculpture

  In Process Finals Depth,  clay with wood base and pigment. 3" x 1'7" x 3" Standards. Clay with wood base and pigment. 7" x 1'4 x 7"

Gregor's Room

  In Process Final Photos Details Statement In this sculpture, I used only paper and water to build and ink for pigment. The blanket was made by weaving individual strands of paper together, and as the water dried, it acted as a glue to keep it together.  This sculpture is representative of key items in a short story. I wanted to portray a feeling of sadness with dramatized emotions. Using muted colors, I created an area that is not fun or exciting. I made the bed frame significantly out of proportion with Gregor and his dresser to add a feeling of dread and fear that come with depression. I felt this story could be used as a metaphor for depression and mental illness as it describes the main character as feeling like a bug. He is scared to get out of bed as it feels extraordinarily far which I took as his dread and inability to get out of bed.